active learning team

Positive Hybrid Classrooms
ask yourself if you're getting the right balance
with every scheme of work you write, lesson you plan, activity you devise ask yourself if you are getting the right:

Remember that these balances are not fixed, they need to be re-considered for different lessons, classes, points in time.
share the learning
Remember - every time you face a problem with hybrid or online teaching and you find a solution, you need to share that learning with your colleagues, within your team and across schools; you may just have found the solution to someone else's problem and they may have the solution to yours!
use your remote learning champions
Remember - the Remote Learning Champions (RLC) are there to support you with all hybrid and online teaching issues and want to hear about your ideas and solutions to share with others.
You can contact or find out more about about the RLCs by:
visiting the resource hub on Sharepoint:
asking your Head of School
contacting Nicola Brandon (Remote Learning Coordinator)
And here are some of them sharing their learning about hybrid and online teaching:
Sam is not an RLC