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Safeguarding the mental wellbeing of your staff is an essential part of building an Inclusive culture and your managers play a crucial role in this. All our programmes are tailored in response to the particular working methods and experience levels of your people. Courses can be delivered face-to-face, online or in a hybrid combination. Here are some typical courses, developed for existing clients:

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Mental Wellbeing For Managers

and a vital piece of advice:

look after yourself!

Practical actions for managers to safeguard their own wellbeing, using the great NHS 5 Ways to Wellbeing, mindfulness and positive psychology.

The programme explores 3 essential skills:


Spotting The Signs 

A live, role play session with Jim (introduced in pre-course video), for participants to practise spotting the signs that he is not coping.


Opening Up Conversation

A roleplay exercise, in which we work with Jim, exploring how to raise the issue of his wellbeing and support him 


Signposting Support

A review of support available within your organisation and beyond.

Please don't worry!

All this talk of role play and drama-based methods could be a bit worrying for some of your staff (and you) but please be assured - we are specialists and will ensure that they feel safe, gain valuable insights and even enjoy the experience! Have a look at how we use Real Play​:

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Thriving In Our New World

A 1-hour webinar-style session for up to 100 participants.

Our webinars are a great way to engage larger groups of staff from across your organisation in considering how to safeguard their wellbeing, mental and physical, in these post-pandemic times. An engaging, interactive experience.

We offer 3 principals and a framework for safeguarding mental health and building resilience – practical self-help tools based on the approaches of positive psychology and the NHS-     recommended 5 Ways to Mental Wellbeing

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'Excellent material, brilliantly presented. I love what you are doing.'

Anne Mc Cracken – author, speaker, scientist, VP of the International Stress Management Society

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